Božja pobjeda & Totus Tuus - Krovovi [acoustic live] Božja pobjeda 4:38 7 years ago 2 409 128 Далее Скачать
TOTUS TUUS - SAV SAM TVOJ: Potpuna predanost Mariji vodi k potpunijem sjedinjenju s Kristom Zakej - Susret s Isusom 0:55 2 months ago 4 889 Далее Скачать
Mladifest 2019 - Svjedočanstvo: zajednica Totus Tuus | Zeugnis: Totus Tuus Gemeinschaft Miroslav Škof 1:01:34 5 years ago 6 911 Далее Скачать
“Totus Tuus – Mary, Shaper of Saints” — Sr. Donata Farbaniec, OLM | May 22, 2017 Saint John Paul II National Shrine 37:40 7 years ago 61 716 Далее Скачать
Totus Tuus: We are totally yours, Mary Catholic Diocese of Arlington 4:27 7 years ago 3 856 Далее Скачать
You are responsible to give to others as well - Totus Tuus Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma 1:21 2 years ago 283 Далее Скачать
Totus Tuus - Dana Scallon @MaureenTeresa1 Motto of Pope John Paul 2 Maureen Teresa Ward 4:01 2 years ago 769 Далее Скачать